ocr: WRELOLHSIDILARGUUHTES OFFICE Typical A B C ffoor Backoore Work- gremises Work steron cistribution staticr: HpbS System PDS PDS) - MA A B C Beck Vicrik toore station Huos Houers VIAN POS PDS Central Netvork rcot floor Computers y ex N - - - - - Basement Telecomms. lelephone CBX closet closct Refined, Refitted, and Returbished. Ar Mobil Oil Australia's hcadquarters iNi Meibourne, data circit- lates smoothly thronghon the company's vecently recnbled LAN, Suce the fnstallation was completed iRI 1993, Mobil has reported a dramiatic reductron m cabling probiems, dotentilie, aud operating costs.